FDXL-400 18KW tethered pow
FDXL-400 18KW tethered power supply airborne power supply pr...
FDZ30T 30x EO/IR UAV came
The FDZ30T gimbal camera is equipped with: 30x optical zoom ...
FDG4180 fixed-wing UAV 10
FD4180 is a high-performance fixed-wing UAV with high reliab...
FDZH-100 fixed-wing UAV 10
FDZH-100 fixed-wing UAV wingspan is 4.8 meters, fuselage le...
FDG50P fixed-wing UAV 10 h
FDG50P fixed-wing UAV wingspan of 3.8 meters, fuselage lengt...
FDS-35 3kw Tethered power
FDS-35 3kw Tethered power supply airborne power supply prov...
FPV drone frame Quadcopter
FPV drone frame is like a suit of armour for all of the sen...
FDT-S2 pro 30X full color
FDT-S2 pro 30X full color night vision drone camera is equip...
FDT S3 30X full color nigh
FDT S3 30X full color night vision drone camera is equipped ...
B2G170 two stroke 14.5HP e
B2G170 two stroke 14.5HP electric control gas engine for UAV...
B2H170 two stroke 14HP ele
B2H120 two stroke 14HP electric control gas engine for UAV i...
FD-R55pro 50mm single IR s
FD-R55 50mm single IR sensor AI tracking Drone Gimbal Camera...
FD-Q355 30X 55mm IR sensor
FD-Q350 30X 50mm IR sensor AI tracking Drone Gimbal Camera i...
FD-Q350 30X 50mm IR sensor
14S 41000mah Li-HV battery
14S 41000mah 25C 53.9V Li-HV battery is rechargeable batter...
14S 30000mah Li-HV battery
14S 30000mah 25C 53.2V Li-HV battery is rechargeable batter...
Contact: Fly Dragon Drone Tech.
Email: frank at dronefromchina.com
Add: NO. 9 Dayu Road PiDu distric, ChengDu 611730, China