
Top 5 Trends Of Smart Agricultural Technology in 2022

Smart Agricultural Technology

The concept of "smart agriculture" has only appeared for a short time, and there is no recognized definition. It can be understood as: make full use of current information technology, including more thorough perception technology, broader interconnection technology, and deeper intelligent technology , To make the operation of the agricultural system more effective, smarter, and smarter, so that the agricultural system can achieve the goal of strong agricultural product competitiveness, sustainable agricultural development, effective use of rural energy and environmental protection.

Trends in this smart agriculture technology

1. Digital Agriculture, Smart Technology

Smart technologies, such as precision sprayers, also play a huge role. Once farmers know where pesticides are needed, they can program the sprayers to cover these areas instead of the entire field-protecting the environment while increasing profits.

2. Data integration and collection

Integrating UAV and satellite data and ground input is the next important step in advancing precision agriculture.

3. Weather forecast

Precision agriculture technology can also help farmers predict the weather, thereby facilitating harvesting and planting.

4. On-site management

Love said the equipment used on the farm will continue to shrink and begin to replace people. He saw a fleet of machines handling planting and other field work, thereby increasing efficiency.

5. Agricultural drone spraying

Compared with other agricultural drones, the point-spray agricultural drones spray pesticides more accurately and use less pesticides, which can reduce the harm of pesticides to the environment.

The FDAD-H616L Hybrid crop spot spraying drone developed by Chengdu Flydragon Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. uses hybrid technology. The drone is loaded with 16L of liquid medicine for a single flight time of up to 45 minutes. When farmers use this drone to work in the field There is no need to carry a large number of batteries and generators, only a barrel of 95# gasoline for the car. The cost of a single flight of the aircraft is half of that of electric drones, but the operating efficiency is twice that of electric drones, and the benefits are considerable