
Indian government will provide 100% government subsidies to drone manufacturer

drone manufacturer

India's Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has reportedly issued guidelines. In a major push for precision farming in India, granting a subsidy of 100% of the cost of agricultural drones or INR 1 million, whichever is lower, this policy enables agricultural services to afford expensive drones, farmers Producer drone Manufacturer will be eligible to receive up to 75% of the cost of agricultural drones for demonstrations in farmer fields.

The policy provides for a contingency payout of Rs 6,000 per hectare to drone manufacturers and start-ups. Financial aid and grants will continue through March 31, 2023.
Agriculture graduates will be eligible for 50% of the base cost of the drone and its accessories or up to Rs 500,000 for drone purchase grant support. Rural Entrepreneurs should pass the Accreditation Board's Level 10 Exam or equivalent; and should hold a Remote Pilot License from an institute designated by the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) or any authorized remote pilot training institution.
drone manufacturer

FDAD-Q616L 16L Crop Spraying Drones sprayer drone for Agriculture

Subsidies for the purchase of agricultural drones for CHC/high-tech centers will make the technology affordable for widespread adoption. This will make drones more accessible to ordinary people in India and will also greatly encourage domestic drone production.

To promote agricultural drone technology, the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) allow drone operations through a conditional exemption route. The MoCA has published the "Drone Regulations 2021" on 25 August 2021 to regulate the use and operation of drones in India. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has also developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the use of drones for spraying pesticides in agriculture, forestry, non-growing areas, etc. for crop protection, and for the use of drones when spraying soil and crop nutrients.