
Global drone logistics is growing rapidly

The development of drone logistics is accelerating globally, and the latest developments in recent days have once again attracted attention from the outside world.

Zipline, which claims to be the world's largest on-demand delivery service for drones in the United States, recently completed a new round of financing of US$250 million, with a valuation of US$2.75 billion. This round of financing will help the company further expand its business globally.

UAVs are being regarded as a key component in the development of a new generation of logistics technology, as well as an important segment in the new industry of "air transportation". It is currently in a period of rapid growth and is considered to have huge commercial prospects. Morgan Stanley's research report shows that by 2050, the global urban air transportation market will be worth 9 trillion US dollars, and air smart logistics will be the most promising market segment that will be the first to achieve commercialization.

In recent years, the global logistics industry has seen rapid growth in demand, especially in express delivery and food delivery. Such a huge market demand, if all manpower is used to complete it, the cost will be very high, and the efficiency will be limited. The use of automated management, cost reduction and efficiency increase has become the inevitable direction of the development of the industry.

In some areas with inconvenient transportation, the advantages of drone logistics are very obvious. For example, in application scenarios such as island logistics, oil samples and material transportation between offshore drilling platforms, the use of drones is safer and lower in cost, and it can operate 24 hours a day to improve work efficiency. UAV logistics also has great development potential in application scenarios such as the transportation of medical supplies and emergency medical supplies, and emergency rescue.

Retail giants such as Wal-Mart and Amazon, as well as logistics giants such as UPS and DHL, are already considering improving business efficiency through drone logistics, and are actively conducting research and development or cooperative operations in drone logistics.

DHL recently stated that it is cooperating with Bulgarian aircraft developer Dronamics to develop cross-border and inter-city drone delivery services. It has begun to use drones to transport documents and medicines in Germany, China and Tanzania, but the transportation distance is still limited.

After the outbreak, aviation activities have decreased and shipping pressure has increased. Under this background, the development of drone logistics is expected to accelerate further to help ease the pressure on the logistics network. The epidemic has also made drones further play a role in transporting blood, vaccines and medicines.

Delivery VTOL UAV, Remote airdrop system for emergency supplies(replenishment of medicines, food, water, plasma, etc.)

FlyDragon FDD50P UAV platform is equipped with industrial-grade vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing flight control. Maximum payload 15kg, life time is 2h@15kg payload, 4h@10kg payload, it's have a dropping box for delivery, drop box size: Length 462MM, width 296MM, height 169MM. it's used to delivery medicines, food, water, plasma, etc, it's better for drone logistics 

The drone platform has the following features and advantages:
a) Practical and efficient: it has the characteristics of fixed-wing UAV’s long flight time, fast speed, long distance and large load;
b) Vertical take-off and landing: with the take-off and landing mode of the rotorless drone, greatly reducing the requirements for landing and landing and airspace;
c) low cost of use: no complicated and bulky launching and recycling equipment, no additional recycling sensors required;
d) Simple operation: integrated special flight control and navigation system, full autonomous flight, operators only need to send flight plans, no professional training and operational experience;
e) Compact system: no complicated auxiliary equipment, simple transportation, deployment, maintenance and withdrawal.


Body length: 2.5m
Wingspan: 3.8m
Maximum takeoff weight: 50kg
Maximum payload: 15kg
Life time: 2h@15kg payload, 4h@10kg payload
Flying radius: 200-400km (depending on the amount of oil)
Maximum control distance: Remote control (manual control): 1km
Ground station control (depending on the distance of the digital transmission): 30km standard
Maximum speed: 130km/h
Cruising speed: 100-120km/h
Maximum oil load: 12L
Lift limit: 4000m
Maximum wind resistance: 12m/s (6 wind)
Use environment: -10 °C +45 °C; anti-light rain
Climb/lower power battery: 4*14000mAh-6S lithium battery
Take-off and landing mode: vertical takeoff and landing
Shipping size: 1.6*0.7*0.6m (length * width * height)

Drop box size: Length 462MM, width 296MM, height 169MM

Delivery method: parachute