With the aging of the population, there are not many working people in rural areas engaged in agricultural production. The emergence of agri drone solves this problem. However, the price of agri drone is not cheap, and not every farmer can afford to buy it. so the agricultural drone spraying service company was born.
During the current harvest season, demand for drones from farmers is exceptionally high. Vishal Saurav, CEO and founder of VFLYX India, said companies have access to a "pay-per-use" drone service, which helps reduce initial investment and makes it easier for them to adopt and benefit from this new technology.
FlyDragon supply agriculture drone and industrial drone, whatever you are a employself, droen service company or drone seller, Flydragon's product can mmet your requirements
Contact: Fly Dragon Drone Tech.
Email: frank at dronefromchina.com
Add: NO. 9 Dayu Road PiDu distric, ChengDu 611730, China