Cost $1.651 billion best fixed wing drone used to fight California wildfires
For most people when it comes to reaper drones it's unquestionably the best fixed wing drone, most of us imagine they're loaded with missiles and launch missiles at terrorist hideouts, but last week the reaper A more humanitarian, supportive role is taking part in rescue operations to fight California's wildfires by drone drones.
For years, the California Air National Guard (ANG) has been assisting firefighters using helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft to determine the intensity of California's fires and map their boundaries.
In addition to mapping fires, Reaper can provide commanders and even firefighters on the ground with handheld devices about the intensity, speed, and direction of fires to determine the best evacuation routes. Reaper drones can be used not only for firefighting, but also for earthquake, flood, and hurricane response.
But what I want to say is that although the Reaper UAV is one of the best fixed-wing UAVs, it is undoubtedly overkill for the surveying and mapping of fire and geological disasters. Headquartered in Chengdu, China, FlyDragon UAV Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. The FDG30 Mako shark electric vtol fixed-wing released last month can be equipped with a dual-optical camera for 6 hours of battery life. The total cost is less than $20,000, but the reaper price is as high as $1.651 billion
Which one will you choose for mapping and surveillance?