When you think of India, what comes to your mind? Second most populous country? economic crisis? Underdeveloped medical technology? riot? But no matter how you look at India, the country's economy and science and technology are booming, and many drone companies are contributing to the country's progress with drone technology, especially fixed wing hybrid vtol drone technology.
Vikram said: “The remote villages in the subtropical forests of Te Himachal Pradesh and Meghalaya are 140 kilometers from the nearest hospital. There are many venomous snakes in the forest, and I have seen people getting bitten by snakes because they didn’t get anti-venom in time. death. So our original intention is to use drones to quickly deliver medicines to medical facilities in remote areas to save lives.”
Contact: Fly Dragon Drone Tech.
Email: frank at dronefromchina.com
Add: NO. 9 Dayu Road PiDu distric, ChengDu 611730, China