airplane autopilot is an advanced autopilot for academic and commercial integrators. Designed by CUAV in collaboration with the PX4 team. Based on the Pixhawk FMU v5 open hardware design, a highly modular board using Pixhawk standard pinouts for its external interface, allowing for carrier board integration. Out of the box pre-installed with PX4 Open Source Autopilot, and fully supported by ArduPilot.
An autopilot is a system used to control the trajectory of an aircraft without constant ‘hands-on’ control by a human operator being required. Autopilots do not replace human operators, but instead they assist them in controlling the aircraft. This allows them to focus on broader aspects of operations such as monitoring the trajectory, weather and systems.[1] The autopilot is often used in conjunction with the autothrottle, when present, which is the analogous system controlling the power delivered by the engines.
Contact: Fly Dragon Drone Tech.
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